LSW DotNet-Lab Windows-Tools

LSW DotNet-Lab Windows-Tools ( LSWWT ) is a Smalltalk-Implementation of popular Windows-Tools. LSWWT will be constantly enhanced, we plan to add new tools and add features to the existing ones.

LSWWT File-Explorer

The The File-Explorer will be constanly enhanced with new features new views ( LifeTree & Diagram-Views ).

LSWWT Text-Editor

The Text-Editor is based on the Scinilla-Edit-Control ( ).

LSWWT Registry Editor

The Registry-Editor will allow cross-referencing & hypertext Navigation

LSWWT Datasource-Explorer

LSWWT XML-Explorer

LSWWT WMI-Explorer

The WMI-Explorer allows to browse the computers WMI Database in a compfortable way.