Working with LSW DotNet-Reflection-Browser

The LSW DotNet-Reflection-Browser offeres unique features - well known in the Smalltalk world.

We will elaborate these scenarios soon.

Finding Types implementing an Interface

Select the Interface in the TypeView ( Example: System.IDisposable from mscorlib ).

Hint 1 : You can display only interface using the Types-Filters

Hint 2 : You can Search for the Type in the Search-Tab

Switch to the Hierarchy-Tab

The category Implementing Types shows all Types implementing the selected Interface.

Finding Event-Handlers

Select the Event in the Method-View.

Hint 1 : You can display only Events using the Event-Filters

Hint 2 : You can Search for the Type in the Search-Tab

Finding all Methods with same Signature

This is called Implementers.

Select the Method in the Member-View

Switch to the Hierarchy-View.

Which Assemblies are referenced by an Assembly

Select the Assembly in the Assembly-View ( Example: mscorlib ).

Hint: The Assembly-View has a Number of different View-Modes.

Switch to the Hierarchy-Tab

The category Referenced by Assemblies shows all Assemblies referenced by the selected Assembly.

Which Assemblies references an Assembly.

Select the Assembly in the Assembly-View ( Example: System.Drawing ).

Switch to the Hierarchy-Tab

The category Referenced Assemblies shows all Assemblies which the selected Assembly.references

Which superclass implementers exists of a given Method.

Select the Method in the Member-View ( Example: System.Drawing.Point Equals )

Selet the Drow-Down List-Box below the Member-View. It shows all the superclass implementers of the selected Method

