The Decompiler decompiles .NET Assemblies and generates a high quality readable source-code which can be recompiled in most cases and produces the same behavior as the binary.
The Decompiler Backends renderes the final output. Version 1.3 of the decompiler comes with 5 Backends:
we are working to add new backends ( J#, Delphi etc ).
The Decompiler is integrated into the browser's GUI. Decompiled code can be saved to Disk.
The decompilation engine produces readable formatted code. A Name inference engine produces readable Names for local variables.
void WndProc ( System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) { System.Guid guid; RECT rECT; PAINTSTRUCT pAINTSTRUCT; System.Windows.Forms.Design.IMouseHandler iMouseHandler = null; if ((m.Msg == 132) && (this.inHitTest == null)) { this.inHitTest = 1; System.Drawing.Point point = new System.Drawing.Point (Util.LOWORD (IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam)), Util.HIWORD (IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam))); try { this.liveRegion = this.GetHitTest (point); } catch (Exception ) { this.liveRegion = 0; } this.inHitTest = 0; } bool f = m.Msg == 123; if ((this.liveRegion != null) && ( (this.IsMouseMessage (m.Msg)) || (f))) { if (m.Msg == 123) { ControlDesigner.inContextMenu = 1; } try { this.DefWndProc (&m); } finally { if (m.Msg == 123) { ControlDesigner.inContextMenu = 0; } } return; } int k = 0; int i = 0; if (((m.Msg >= 512) && (m.Msg <= 522)) || ((m.Msg >= 160) && (m.Msg <= 169)) || (m.Msg == 32)) { if (this.eventSvc == null) { this.eventSvc = (IEventHandlerService) base.GetService (Type.GetTypeFromHandle (IEventHandlerService)); } if (this.eventSvc != null) { iMouseHandler = (IMouseHandler) this.eventSvc.GetHandler (Type.GetTypeFromHandle (IMouseHandler)); } } if ((m.Msg >= 512) && (m.Msg <= 522)) { POINT pOINT = new NMHEADER (); pOINT.x = Util.SignedLOWORD (IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam)); pOINT.y = Util.SignedHIWORD (IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam)); NativeMethods.MapWindowPoints (m.HWnd, IntPtr.Zero, pOINT, 1); k = pOINT.x; i = pOINT.y; } else { if ((m.Msg >= 160) && (m.Msg <= 169)) { k = Util.SignedLOWORD (IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam)); i = Util.SignedHIWORD (IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam)); } } System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons mouseButtons = 0; int m = m.Msg; switch (m) { case 1: this.DefWndProc (&m); (IntPtr(m.HWnd == this.Control.Handle) == null) this.OnCreateHandle (); return; case 61: if (-4 == IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.LParam)) { guid = new System.Guid ("{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}"); try { Accessibility.IAccessible iAccessible = this.AccessibilityObject; if (iAccessible == null) { m.Result = IntPtr.op_Explicit (0); } else { j = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject (iAccessible); try { m.Result = UnsafeNativeMethods.LresultFromObject (&guid, m.WParam, j); } finally { Marshal.Release (j); } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } this.DefWndProc (&m); return; case 673: if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnMouseHover (base.Component); return; } this.OnMouseHover (); return; case 675: this.OnMouseLeave (); this.BaseWndProc (&m); return; case 163: case 166: case 515: case 518: if ((m.Msg == 166) || (m.Msg == 518)) { mouseButtons = 2097152; } else { mouseButtons = 1048576; } (mouseButtons != 1048576) if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnMouseDoubleClick (base.Component); return; } this.OnMouseDoubleClick (); return; case 161: case 164: case 513: case 516: if ((m.Msg == 164) || (m.Msg == 516)) { mouseButtons = 2097152; } else { mouseButtons = 1048576; } NativeMethods.SendMessage (this.Control.Handle, 7, 0, 0); if ((mouseButtons == 1048576) && (this.IsDoubleClick (k, i))) { if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnMouseDoubleClick (base.Component); return; } this.OnMouseDoubleClick (); return; } this.toolPassThrough = 0; if (! (this.EnableDragRect) && (mouseButtons == 1048576)) { if (this.toolboxSvc == null) { this.toolboxSvc = (IToolboxService) base.GetService (Type.GetTypeFromHandle (IToolboxService)); } if ((this.toolboxSvc != null) && (this.toolboxSvc.GetSelectedToolboxItem ((IDesignerHost) base.GetService (Type.GetTypeFromHandle (IDesignerHost))) != null)) { this.toolPassThrough = 1; } this.toolPassThrough = 0; } IL_04e0:if (this.toolPassThrough != null) { NativeMethods.SendMessage (this.Control.Parent.Handle, m.Msg, m.WParam, IntPtr.op_Explicit (this.GetParentPointFromLparam (m.LParam))); return; } if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnMouseDown (base.Component, mouseButtons, k, i); } else { if (mouseButtons == 1048576) { this.OnMouseDragBegin (k, i); } if (mouseButtons == 2097152) { System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService iSelectionService = (ISelectionService) base.GetService (Type.GetTypeFromHandle (ISelectionService)); if (iSelectionService != null) { object[ ] obj = new System.Object [1]; obj [0] = base.Component; iSelectionService.SetSelectedComponents (obj, 16); } } } IL_0587:this.lastMoveScreenX = k; this.lastMoveScreenY = i; return; case 160: case 512: if ((IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.WParam) & 1) != null) { mouseButtons = 1048576; } else { if ((IntPtr.op_Explicit (m.WParam) & 2) != null) { mouseButtons = 2097152; this.toolPassThrough = 0; } this.toolPassThrough = 0; } IL_05d5:if ((this.lastMoveScreenX != k) || (this.lastMoveScreenY != i)) { if (this.toolPassThrough != null) { NativeMethods.SendMessage (this.Control.Parent.Handle, m.Msg, m.WParam, IntPtr.op_Explicit (this.GetParentPointFromLparam (m.LParam))); return; } if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnMouseMove (base.Component, k, i); } if (mouseButtons == 1048576) { this.OnMouseDragMove (k, i); } } IL_064a:this.lastMoveScreenX = k; this.lastMoveScreenY = i; this.BaseWndProc (&m); return; case 162: case 165: case 514: case 517: if ((m.Msg == 164) || (m.Msg == 516)) { mouseButtons = 2097152; } else { mouseButtons = 1048576; } if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnMouseUp (base.Component, mouseButtons); } else { if (this.toolPassThrough != null) { NativeMethods.SendMessage (this.Control.Parent.Handle, m.Msg, m.WParam, IntPtr.op_Explicit (this.GetParentPointFromLparam (m.LParam))); this.toolPassThrough = 0; return; } if (mouseButtons == 1048576) { this.OnMouseDragEnd (0); } } this.toolPassThrough = 0; this.BaseWndProc (&m); return; case 15: if (OleDragDropHandler.FreezePainting) { NativeMethods.ValidateRect (m.HWnd, IntPtr.Zero); return; } rECT = (RECT) null; n = NativeMethods.CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0); NativeMethods.GetUpdateRgn (m.HWnd, n, 0); NativeMethods.GetUpdateRect (m.HWnd, &rECT, 0); System.Drawing.Region region = Region.FromHrgn (n); try { if (this.thrownException == null) { this.DefWndProc (&m); } System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd (m.HWnd); if (IntPtr.op_Inequality (m.HWnd, this.Control.Handle)) { POINT pOINT1 = new NMHEADER (); pOINT1.x = 0; pOINT1.y = 0; NativeMethods.MapWindowPoints (m.HWnd, this.Control.Handle, pOINT1, 1); graphics.TranslateTransform (- (pOINT1.x), - (pOINT1.y)); NativeMethods.MapWindowPoints (m.HWnd, this.Control.Handle, &rECT, 2); } System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle (rECT.left,, (rECT.right - rECT.left), (rECT.bottom -; System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs = new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs (graphics, rectangle); try { graphics.Clip = region; if (this.thrownException == null) { this.OnPaintAdornments (paintEventArgs); } else { pAINTSTRUCT = (PAINTSTRUCT) null; UnsafeNativeMethods.BeginPaint (m.HWnd, &pAINTSTRUCT); this.PaintException (paintEventArgs, this.thrownException); UnsafeNativeMethods.EndPaint (m.HWnd, &pAINTSTRUCT); } } finally { if (paintEventArgs != null) { paintEventArgs.Dispose (); } graphics.Dispose (); } } finally { region.Dispose (); NativeMethods.DeleteObject (n); } goto case 32; case 32: if (this.liveRegion != null) { this.DefWndProc (&m); return; } if (iMouseHandler != null) { iMouseHandler.OnSetCursor (base.Component); return; } this.OnSetCursor (); return; case 5: if (this.thrownException != null) { this.Control.Invalidate (); } this.DefWndProc (&m); return; case 31: this.OnMouseDragEnd (1); this.DefWndProc (&m); return; case 7: if (( != null) && ( != null)) { System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner iDesigner = (; if (iDesigner is IRootDesigner) { System.ComponentModel.Design.IRootDesigner iRootDesigner = (IRootDesigner) iDesigner; System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology[ ] viewTechnology = iRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies; System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology[ ] viewTechnology2 = viewTechnology; for (m = 0; m < viewTechnology2.Length; m++) { System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology viewTechnology1 = viewTechnology2 [m]; if (viewTechnology1 == 1) { (Control) iRootDesigner.GetView (viewTechnology1).Focus (); return; } }; return; } } goto case 123; case 123: case 6: }; return; }
The Decompiler decompiles .NET code referring to Native Code:
private static void Win32Native ()
Win32Native.NULL = IntPtr.Zero;
public void Win32Native ()
base ();
[DllImport ("kernel32.dll", CharSet = None)]
internal static bool CloseHandle (
int handle)
[DllImport ("kernel32.dll", CharSet = Auto)]
internal static bool CopyFile (
string src
,string dst
,bool failIfExists)